Use our professional Identity Management solution to keep track of who has access to your critical IT systems. You get a solution with minimal administration and a strong focus on security.
Want to get started?
1. Initial contact
Let's meet. We will demonstrate our solutions and will discuss your needs and possibilites
2. We offer a PoC agreement
With the conclusion of a Proof of Concept agreement, our 4-week process begins.
3. The process starts
We provide a dedicated solution to be tested with your own systems and by your own users.
4. You are ready to launch
After start-up, tests, and reporting; you can demonstrate compliance, and move directly into production
ID Connect er på SKI 02.22.
Med SKI 02.22 er der nu åbnet op for at købe vores IAM-service, der er målrettet de danske kommuner.
ID Connects service har gennem årene udviklet sig voldsomt, og vi investerer fortsat massivt i at understøtte kommunernes muligheder for at overholde reguleringer (bl.a. NSIS) samt understøtte behovene for integrationer, automatisering og øget selvbetjening.
Læs mere om den nye SKI-aftale her.
Want to know more about our solution?