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Middelfart Municipality: After dialogue with three providers, Middelfart Municipality chose to collaborate with ID Connect on a solution that would ensure the municipality’s handling of its employees and access control. A tailor-made integration with the joint municipal framework architecture, KOMBIT, and a continued development on integration with future public systems such as Nemlogin-3 and the new MitID, ID Connect stood the test as the strongest choice.
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Nyborg Municipality – An agreement on a new Identity and Access Management system from ID Connect has provided Nyborg Municipality with a better overview of the municipality’s user administration in relation to current and future KOMBIT systems. Furthermore, all frameworks in the new SKI 02.19 SaaS / Cloud agreement have been included in the solution. The solution handles the municipalities’ requirements to access management, so that compliance with GDPR rules is ensured. The solution also provides full insight into who has access to systems and information – and when and how access was assigned – by whom.
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Webinar 1: Automatisering og styr på governance under on-boarding af kommunale medarbejder

We take you through the process from hiring, onboarding, creation in payroll to when the employee is ready to receive mail and get access to IT-systems. The webinar is in Danish and lasts 30 minutes.

Webinar 2: Centralised user and rolebased access management: Save time and money through an effi transformation

We will show you how we onboard existing IT systems from MS-AD. We will also show how the platform gives you a 95% automated proces which allows you to onboard systems in just a few minutes. Please note, the webinar is in Danish.


ID Connect. Maximum security. Minimum hassle!

Rolebased Identity & Access Management from ID Connect is for people and organisations who want a fast, secure, and user-friendly solution for administration and governance of their users and for the services and information they have access to. The solution will protect your employees’ digital identity no matter where they are, and create secure connections between your employees and the services required to fulfil their everyday jobs.

Nyborg Kommune ta'r næste skridt med ID Connect

I fire år har Nyborg Kommune anvendt ID Connects løsning til styring af kommunens it-brugere. Seneste udvidelse af løsningen sikrer, at der nu er integration til kommunens lønsystem. Det har resulteret i fordele, der er til at få øje på.