Ensuring management oversight came with a standard IDM solution in Langeland Municipality.

The goals were clear when Langeland Municipality chose a solution from ID Connect to digitize the municipality’s user administration. Management oversight needed to be fulfilled, it had to be significantly easier for leaders to manage user control, and at the same time, the municipality’s documentation needed to be efficient and secure.

A Secure Connection Between Employees and Municipal Services

In Langelands Kommune, Rikke Birgitte Grube is responsible for the implementation of ID Connect’s user management solution, which is currently being rolled out to all the municipality’s business areas.

“We have only been in operation since the spring of 2022, but we already see significantly better control of our users. The automated solution has made it easier for our leaders, and security is also top-notch,” explains Rikke Grube.

How Langelands Kommune Got Started

“When we started exploring the market in terms of user management support, we emphasized that the supplier should have an in-depth understanding of the municipal market and offer an easily accessible solution, which is also affordable for a small municipality. We found all of this with ID Connect,” says Steen Bihl Nielsen, head of Finance and Procurement.

Through reference checks, it became clear that the solution aligned well with the municipality’s goal of meeting management oversight requirements. Rikke Grube was then assigned the responsibility of implementing the solution.

“The solution has been very well received within our organization. Its benefits are evident. Although ID Connect’s solution requires training for leaders, they quickly see how fast and easy it is, whether they are dealing with user onboarding or offboarding,” says Rikke Grube. She continues, “Furthermore, it has worked well for us that we understand all the ‘building blocks’ in the solution, and we have been able to put them together in a way that maximizes benefits for us, even though it’s a standard solution. We’re comfortable with ID Connect’s fixed framework because it forces us to make decisions.”

From Service Desk to Self-Service

Previously, leaders in the municipality had to contact the Service Desk for user creation and to address any questions. The new solution saves time on both ends.

“When the leaders are onboarded, they can access everything in the solution immediately. For each leader, this means that, for example, a new employee or a substitute can start working right away. Their rights and access are created very quickly, eliminating all wasted time,” says Rikke Grube.

In addition to time savings, Rikke Grube also observes less frustration.

“We purchased the solution ourselves, which means we are following our adopted plan. In other words, we have chosen the path of automation, and we continue down that path,” explains Rikke Grube.

Today, Langelands Kommune has a coherent process that has increased security and freed up resources within the organization.

“I can’t see how a municipality, regardless of size, can manage its users without a digital solution today,” says Rikke Grube.

Involvement Has Been a Key Factor

With strong support from the leadership of Langelands Kommune, the implementation of ID Connect’s solution within the organization has been successful.

The process has involved all leaders who initially participated in an ID Connect presentation about the solution. Subsequently, Rikke Grube has gone through all the details of the solution with each leader to ensure that they are fully aware of the solution and its capabilities. This approach ensures consistent use of the solution.

“This has been evident in our recent organizational changes. In our world, these changes can happen quickly and in multiple steps, and here, I must say that the ID Connect solution ensures that errors in handling our users are eliminated. We now have a process that is easy and straightforward,” explains Rikke Grube.

Rikke Grube explains that organizational changes broadly impact a municipality, and that includes the municipality’s systems.

“Especially during organizational changes, the allocation of rights plays a significant role. The reports provided by the ID Connect solution help us by displaying all existing roles, thereby increasing our security. We have both transparency and high security,” says Rikke Grube.

Collaboration with ID Connect

Rikke Grube highlights that the collaboration with ID Connect has been nothing short of fantastic, marked by good dialogue, rapid responses, and strong guidance.

“I will always say that collaboration with a supplier is essential, and they certainly have their service in order. In Langelands Kommune, we feel that we are moving forward together with ID Connect.”

“ID Connect is the cornerstone that elevates Langelands Kommune’s user management strategy, a strategy where the user-responsible leader assigns the rights that each user needs for their task execution,” concludes Mikael Kronstrøm, Director of Digitization and IT.

Download the Langelands Kommune case study here (Danish).

Maximum security. Minimum hassle!

Role-based Identity & Access Management from ID Connect is for people and organizations who want a fast, secure, and user-friendly solution for the administration and governance of their users and for the services and information they have access to. The solution will protect your employees’ digital identity no matter where they are and create secure connections between employees and the services required to fulfill their everyday jobs.

I Hvidovre Kommune har ID Connect udviklet en løsning til oprettelse af vikarer

Med mange vikarer i Center for Sundhed og Ældre blev der stillet krav til fleksibilitet, brugervenlighed og høj hastighed, når vikarerne skulle tildeles adgange og rettigheder  – og fordelene var synlige fra dag 1!