With ID Connect’s solution, Nyborg Municipality cracked the code for access control.

The Identity and Access Management system from ID Connect has provided Nyborg Municipality with a better overview of the municipality’s user administration concerning current and future KOMBIT systems. Additionally, all the frameworks in the new SKI 02.19 SaaS/Cloud agreement have been incorporated into the solution.

The solution from ID Connect was specifically developed to meet the municipalities’ requirements for access control, ensuring compliance with GDPR. The solution provides full insight into who has access to systems and data, as well as when access was last used.

Efficient testing process in Nyborg

IT manager Henrik Dyrhøj, in collaboration with the municipality’s digitization consultant, agreed with ID Connect. Initially, Nyborg Municipality had no intention of agreeing with a completely new player in the market.

“We initiated a market analysis and reviewed four to five different solutions, all aimed at the public sector, and ID Connect was not initially in the picture. We usually choose proven solutions, but when we saw ID Connect’s solution, it was so simple and straightforward that we decided to agree to a testing process,” explains Henrik Dyrhøj.

Despite Nyborg Municipality’s lack of interest in testing more solutions, a test of ID Connect’s solution was conducted because they had a feeling that the system met all the requirements they were looking for.

“The solution is user-friendly, provides a good overview across systems, and has the advantage that we do not need to implement a large implementation process. Furthermore, the solution will eventually enable a significant simplification of on- and off-boarding of employees, as it is intended that the individual managers throughout the municipality can create users and grant access without the need for manual paper-based processes. This will provide greater flexibility in assigning roles and responsibilities across all positions in the municipality,” says Henrik Dyrhøj.

Minimal administration

In developing the new solution, ID Connect focused on minimizing administrative tasks related to user access in the IT department, allowing IT staff to focus on maintaining systems and roles. The solution supports both existing and future open standards used in the public sector in Denmark.

Overall, the municipality receives the solution as a service, which helps ensure a manageable and easy implementation. Additionally, the solution offers an overview of responsibilities and access for leaders in various departments, relieving everyone of the manual workflows they have today.

An economically strong case

From the outset, Nyborg Municipality emphasized that a future Identity and Access Management system needed to be a financially sensible agreement.

“We have entered into a well-structured agreement. It is economical to operate and saves time, and when we can also provide better service to our colleagues, I think it is an economically strong case compared to other solutions on the market. Since it is also a SaaS solution, the term is short, and Nyborg Municipality can exit the agreement with just one month’s notice,” explains Henrik Dyrhøj.

For the IT manager at Nyborg Municipality, there is no doubt that leaders in Danish municipalities will welcome the service.

Over time, leaders will have the necessary and requested overview of employees’ system access and the opportunity to manage user access themselves. This will make a significant difference, says Henrik Dyrhøj.

Fixed price every month, regardless of ongoing development

ID Connect has deliberately chosen to go against the trend of selling licenses and, instead, offers a solution that includes operations, security, support, and local integrations.

The service is delivered as a true SaaS solution and is billed like any other subscription. As the service evolves, new functionality becomes automatically available to all customers.

IDM system, after testing

“Usually, we purchase systems when we can see that the system in question has been implemented elsewhere and works, but in this case, we have been deeply involved in the solution during the testing phase, and we have personally seen that it looks good and is easy to use. We have had a good and constructive collaboration with ID Connect’s developers, who are very responsive to change requests and respond quickly. In our opinion, it has been a positive process,” concludes Henrik Dyrhøj.

Nyborg Municipality began the testing phase in July 2019 and transitioned to full operation in the fall.

Download the customer case with Nyborg Municipality here (Danish).

Maximum security. Minimum hassle!

Role-based Identity & Access Management from ID Connect is for people and organizations who want a fast, secure, and user-friendly solution for the administration and governance of their users and for the services and information they have access to. The solution will protect your employees’ digital identity no matter where they are and create secure connections between employees and the services required to fulfill their everyday jobs.

I Hvidovre Kommune har ID Connect udviklet en løsning til oprettelse af vikarer

Med mange vikarer i Center for Sundhed og Ældre blev der stillet krav til fleksibilitet, brugervenlighed og høj hastighed, når vikarerne skulle tildeles adgange og rettigheder  – og fordelene var synlige fra dag 1!