Save time with digital onboarding of new employees!

At the turn of the year, we presented seven areas that we believe will be affected in 2021. Digital onboarding of new employees is one of them.

The disciplines handled within Payroll, HR, and IT are very different, while the data generated in each system can and should be used across the board. There are good and user-friendly solutions available in all areas today, and what’s common among the most effective ones is that they seek to achieve synergies between the data maintained in individual systems. Ideally, the processes are clear and simple, as shown here:

However, the foundation for granting access to information, collaboration portals, and the right courses in an e-learning portal is far from simple to put together in a centralized solution. For a leader to make informed decisions, the starting point is, of course, that the leader has:

1. Insight into the business and the area to assess risks and relevance.
2. Overview of employees and responsibilities to assess risks and relevance.
3. Understanding of which systems and functions the employee needs access to in order to perform their job.

It is, therefore, advantageous for the leader to have access to a system that provides the necessary insight into the organization and leadership hierarchy on one hand and the systems and information that are granted access to on the other hand. With the right foundation, the IT department can shift from being an “executor” to a facilitator.

Tasks and Responsibilities of a Remote Leader

Corona has influenced the way we work, especially where we work from. The digital employee has taken a digital quantum leap over the past 12 months, and it appears that the transition to remote workplaces has been successful.

It should be noted that employees who were previously physically present – perhaps in a few locations – are now scattered across hundreds or more locations. Remote leadership is the new “standard,” and new methods are being used to create effective initiatives that can enrich culture, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.

This places the new leader in 2021 with old tasks in new attire:
User management and access control receive more attention at the leadership level today than before, and the effectiveness of quickly adopting new services has proven crucial for survival during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, it has also become clear that it is not enough to establish secure access to a service. The task has expanded to create coherence between information and IT systems, and the employees who carry out tasks in the various departments.

The value of using the organization and departments as a benchmark for which information or system employees should have access to is growing. Being able to use department or leadership hierarchy in planning the next online course, granting access to a new system, or simply efficiently performing the security and governance tasks that come with leadership responsibility quickly proves useful for a remote leader.

If you’d like to learn more about how ID Connect creates alignment between Payroll, HR, and the IT department, please fill out the contact form, and we will get in touch with you.

Fra manuelle opgaver til automatiseret effektivitet – Frederiksberg Kommune høster gevinster med ny IDM-løsning

I januar 2024 besluttede Frederiksberg Kommune, at deres daværende Identity & Access Management-løsning skulle udskiftes. Systemet, som var præget af manuelle arbejdsgange og specialtilpasninger, var blevet en flaskehals for IT-afdelingen.